


School Policies and Regulations

Students should abide by the following school policies and regulations:

Philadelphia School District Student Code of Conduct



Student Uniform

Shirts – light blue (powder blue) with a collar

Bottoms – navy or khaki school uniform type pants or shorts or skirts.  Jumpers may be navy or khaki (no jeans or sweatpants).
Shoes – sneakers or closed toe shoes
A navy sweater may be added to the uniform for warmth when appropriate.
Gym Uniforms Shirts – plain white or navy t-shirt or any Lowell logo t-shirt
Bottoms – navy blue shorts
Shoes – sneakers
Navy sweatsuits for gym class in the winter are suggested.


Important School Policies: 


School begins promptly at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:09 PM
A warning bell rings at 8:25 for students to line up at designated places near the school doors in order to file into school by class.  Students will be instructed as to line up locations.
No student will be admitted to school prior to 8:30 unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher.

Inclement Weather Admissions

We are outside at 32 degrees or above. Please dress your child appropriately.
In the event of rain, snow, or extremely cold weather conditions, children will be admitted to the building beginning at 8:30.  However, it is best for students to arrive as close to 8:30 as possible.
At 8:36 teachers will admit children to their classrooms.


All students are invited to participate in the free breakfast program which is served every morning from 8:05 to 8:25 AM. Do not send breakfast items from home or restaurants.



Instructional time is precious! Children should leave home in enough time to arrive at school at the appropriate time.
School begins at 8:30 a.m. Students will be marked late if they do not enter with their assigned class.
If your child arrives after his/her class has entered the building, your child must be signed in outside the main office.
Late arrivals will be made through the Kindergarten door until 9;15.  After 9:15, you must come through the main door and sign in at the front desk.
Do not escort your child to class as this will disrupt instructional time.
Students with 5 or more latenesses in a quarter may not participate in field trips, assemblies, or special events.


Dismissal is at 3:39 pm.  If you are picking up your child, please meet him/her in the schoolyard.   All students are encouraged to leave the schoolyard immediately upon dismissal.
If an older child is picking up a younger sibling, he/she must make arrangements to meet the child at a designated spot in front of the school or in the yard.  Please review this with your youngsters.
If your child is to be picked up and you or the escort is unable to meet the child promptly at dismissal, please notify the school.  We realize that emergencies happen.  However, it is important that you make arrangements for someone to pick up your child when you cannot.  We do not have personnel assigned to after-school duty for baby-sitting. When parents are late, children become quite frightened.

Early Dismissal

We urge you to leave your child in school all day. Doctors or other appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours and on school holidays whenever possible.
If a child must be dismissed early, he/she should bring a note to his/her teacher stating the time and reason. Early dismissals will be considered as half-day absences and will be cumulative.
NO STUDENT MAY LEAVE THE BUILDING UNESCORTED! You must sign your child out in the school office.
You must have a picture ID in order to sign out your child.  This is a School District regulation enforced for the safety and security of your child.
Early dismissals will not be given after 2:30 p.m.

District Early Dismissals and Emergency Closings

Early dismissal days will occur for parent conference days and teacher professional development.
If students are dismissed early, they will receive lunch.  You will be notified well in advance of these early dismissals.
Should there be a need for an emergency dismissal please follow regular dismissal procedures and meet your child in the schoolyard at the designated time.


We do not have adequate parking and Lowell School is on a busy street. Police do not allow for double parking and your car may be ticketed if you do so. Fifth Street is used exclusively for buses and for After-Care and Day-care van pick-ups. Please refrain from parking on this street.

Absence Note

Whenever a child is absent, a note from home stating the reason for the absence must accompany the within 3 days of the child’s return to school.
Absences without a note will be coded “illegal” absences.
You will also receive a computerized phone call reminding you of your child’s absence.



Our school nurse is on duty every day.  She is permitted only to administer first aid.
If a child complains of illness at home, please do not send him/her to school.
If a child becomes ill in school, parents will be contacted to come for the child and to follow through with medical care at home.  Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.

Parent Location Card

Each year the school distributes a Parent Location Card which indicates where parents can be located in the event of an emergency.  It is very important that the school secure all of the information sought.
If there is a change in emergency numbers, the school office as well as the teacher must be notified.
In case of a serious injury, police or fire rescue will take a child to the nearest hospital.


If your child has a condition which requires special consideration or medication such as asthma, diabetes, etc. please notify the nurse so that those who will be with your child during the day will be aware of the situation and be helpful to your child as necessary.
Please contact the nurse if you have any questions.